I love to communicate this today.
What does antenna mean? Some years back in the village before techlogy circulates to get telecommunication towers, and fiber optics being wired; we had Radios as ways of getting news and knowing what is happening around the world, Thanks to my sister Mrs. A. Jovia she was the first one to bring Radio at home it was an innitiative by then.
So back then to access Radio channels available by then you needed a very tall antenna, normally the word antenna can be discribed as a specialized transducer that converts radio-frequency (RF) fields into alternating current (AC) or vice-versa.
In the same way I gained a lot of experience during that time, some time we could use metalic wires to add on normal radio antenna to access variety of channels from different areas.
Here what I mean then by the word antenna concerning you!
You are good, your doing or you can do right things, you are unique, special; but above all nobody will know that something special you own until you show up and be visible.
Last year during the launch of Entrepreneurship club at University of Rwanda called CENTURY ENTREPRENEURS CLUB during panel session I mention something and I will repeat it today, let it cost you all you got to be visible/accessable.
I was listening to Pastor Chris teachings about 7 Challenges of Winning in Life, I encourage you to look for this message at Christ Embassy churchs Material stand near you to feed your mind.
He mentioned about Challenge of Opportunity, He said something very important; Be a doer don't be a proposer and don't be a complainer, When you give out ideas other people will use them and make you start complaining that they stole your idea.
Always avail yourself to help, be a volunteer, let your image be in the minds of the needy and this what antenna is about.. your network will be accessable to great people who will desire to equip you for high production.
They are a lot of people out there who waiting for the doers and they are ready to support, invest and sponsor them; the challenge is you are nowhere to be seen.
Get involved in something, help someone to get a better life and his/her testimony will make you known to great people who will transport you to greater heights.
I said something one time while addressing a conference of University and community interaction in business development at University of Rwanda; If I have managed to be great is because I managed to stand on the shoulders of the Giants.
Let people know that you are there, by doing something that attract their attention; by doing so it doesn't matter what position they are holding they will come down to talk to you.
I am going to stop here, but I will continue this lesson to my next event presentation.
I conclude by saying that, always be prepared to seize the avails opportunity by offering your time out of cost!